

  1. How to Protect Yourself from Threatening Skeletons: Optimal Padded Decompositions for Minor-Free Graphs
    with Arnold Filtser
    in 57th Symposium on Theory of Computing [STOC’25], 2025.
  2. Light Tree Covers, Routing, and Path-Reporting Oracles via Spanning Tree Covers in Doubling Graphs
    with Hsien-Chih Chang, Hung Le, Shay Solomon, and Cuong Than
    in 57th Symposium on Theory of Computing [STOC’25], 2025.
  3. Embedding Planar Graphs into Graphs of Treewidth \(O(\log^3 n)\)
    with Hsien-Chih Chang, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Hung Le, Marcin Pilipczuk, and Michał Pilipczuk
    in 2025 Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [SODA’25], 2025.


  1. Optimal Euclidean Tree Covers
    with Hsien-Chih Chang, Hung Le, Lazar Milenković, Shay Solomon, and Cuong Than
    in 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry [SoCG’24], 2024.
    Invited to DCG special issue.
  2. Shortcut Partitions in Minor-Free Graphs: Steiner Point Removal, Distance Oracles, Tree Covers, and More
    with Hsien-Chih Chang, Hung Le, Lazar Milenković, Shay Solomon, and Cuong Than
    in 2024 Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [SODA’24], 2024.


  1. Covering Planar Metrics (and Beyond): O(1) Trees Suffice
    with Hsien-Chih Chang, Hung Le, Lazar Milenković, Shay Solomon, and Cuong Than
    in 64th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science [FOCS’23], 2023.


  1. Hop-Spanners for Geometric Intersection Graphs
    with Csaba Tóth
    in 38th International Symposium on Computational Geometry [SoCG’22], 2022.
    Invited to JoCG special issue.


  1. Robot Development and Path Planning for Indoor Ultraviolet Light Disinfection
    with Christopher Thierauf, Parker Rule, Evan A. Krause, Hugo Alves Akitaya, Andrei Gonczi, Matias Korman, and Matthias Scheutz
    in the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation [ICRA’21], 2021.